Week 05: 3D Scanning and printing

For practice purposes I review diferent videos to learn how to use 3D Scanning and printing refered at the end.

Grupal Assigment

3D Printing Technology

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is like having a mini factory on your desk. Imagine drawing something on your computer, and then, instead of printing it on paper, you bring it to life in three dimensions. It stacks layers of material, usually plastic, but sometimes metal or even chocolate, one on top of the other until you've got a physical object. You can create almost anything, from toys and tools to complex parts for machines or even prosthetic limbs. It's a game-changer because it allows for custom, on-demand production without needing a whole assembly line. Just design, print, and voilà!

Main 3D Printing Technologies
  • Stereolithography (SLA): This is like using a magic light wand to solidify liquid plastic into cool shapes...
FabLab Puebla 3D Printers

We have to admit that in FabLab Puebla one of our most sought after technologies for rapid prototyping is 3D printing. That's why we have a staggering 27 3D printers in total.

  • Ender 3 (14 units): These are the workhorses of the 3D printing world...
3D Printing Materials

There are various materials that can be used for 3D printing, each with its own characteristics and properties...

Material Description Printing Temperature
PLA PLA is rigid, has good strength, and provides good print quality... Bed: 50-60 °C
Extruder: 190-220 °C
Design Rules

Overhangs refer to parts of the model that extend out over an area with no material beneath them...

Support - Infill

The inside of a 3D print is called infill, and it can be adjusted in terms of density 0% is hollow while 100% is solid...

Finally, you can look at more information on 3D Printing on the following link.

3D Modeling Process


For this assignment, I decided to create a sphere. For this specific project, I chose to use SolidWorks, as the tutorial suggested. Later, I will highlight the most important steps to complete this model and the errors that I encountered, as well as how I solved them.

First Sketch

The first sketch of the model represents the initial stage of creating the sphere. In this sketch, the primary shape and dimensions of the sphere are outlined. The sketch serves as the foundation upon which the rest of the model will be built. It defines the basic parameters and dimensions required for the subsequent stages of the design process

Create Angles

Creating angles using polygons allows for the precise formation of the sphere's surface. By utilizing polygons, the curvature of the sphere can be accurately represented, ensuring a smooth and realistic final model. Polygons provide the flexibility to control the shape and details of the sphere effectively. This method ensures that the sphere maintains its intended dimensions and surface characteristics, resulting in a more accurate and visually appealing final product.

Extrude Surface

Extruding faces from polygons is essential to create the sphere. This process transforms 2D polygons into 3D shapes, forming the spherical structure. It adds depth and volume, shaping the sphere gradually. This step ensures the sphere takes on a three-dimensional form, allowing further refinement and detailing.

Cut Surface

Cutting the face from the sphere already created involves removing a section to create a specific shape or feature. This step allows for the customization of the sphere according to the design requirements. By cutting the face, we can refine the sphere's shape, creating unique details and features. This process is essential for achieving the desired final form and enhancing the overall design.

Circular Pattern

The circular pattern involves replicating a feature around a central axis. In the context of our project, it duplicates a specific design element around the sphere's surface, creating a symmetrical pattern. This step adds consistency and aesthetic appeal to the model. By applying the circular pattern, we achieve uniformity and precision in the design, enhancing the overall visual impact of the sphere.

Sketch in Pattern

In here we add details or shapes to each replicated element around the sphere's surface. This step enhances the design, creating intricate and visually appealing elements that later will form the piece.

Copy Surface

Create a surface offset at 0.00 distance from the sphere's face in SolidWorks. This will effectively separate the drawing from the surface of the sphere.

Align Pattern

Use the Align Pattern feature to position the copied surface in the correct location. This ensures that the drawing is properly aligned with the surface of the sphere. By doing this, the drawing will maintain its accuracy and alignment with the surface, enhancing the overall design precision.

Shapping figure

After shaping the figure you wish to use as a pattern, begin by extruding it to give it depth. Next, apply fillets to smooth out edges and refine the shape. Experiment with various tools to achieve the desired aesthetic and functional properties, exploring options that best suit your design vision.


In the tutorial, they hollowed out the piece to enhance definition and make the sphere more visually intriguing. Personally, I found that this technique not only added more definition but also helped to save material, in this case, resin.

Round borders

To round the borders, you can use the Fillet tool. This tool is used to create rounded edges or to blend sharp edges. By applying fillets, you smooth out the corners, giving the object a more polished and refined appearance

Sphere Pattern

Finally, create the sphere pattern by using the Copy Pattern feature and adjust the angles to 120 degrees. This configuration ensures that the pattern repeats around the sphere, creating the spherical shape accurately.

Difficulties and addaptation

In the instructional video, specific angles are provided for crafting the sphere pattern. Initially, the angles are set at 45 degrees, followed by 180 degrees, and ultimately completing the sphere with a 360-degree angle. These angles are pivotal in achieving the desired spherical shape accurately.

For adaptation purposes, I encountered challenges when initiating the first model. To test the printer and ensure optimal support structures, I introduced a small sphere in the center. This preliminary step required drawing a middle plane and a middle circle. However, if your initial figure differs, manual calculations become necessary to generate the initial group of figures.

In my case, I used a similar piece resembling the initial figure. I adjusted the center at 45 degrees and subsequently replicated the groups at 46-degree intervals, effectively tracing a bracelet-like structure. These adaptations were crucial in overcoming initial hurdles and achieving the desired outcome


Printing Process

  1. Exporting the File to STL: After completing the design in SolidWorks, export the file in STL format.
  2. Slicing with Anycubic Photon Workshop: Open the STL file in Anycubic Photon Workshop and configure print settings.
  3. Configuring Parameters for Anycubic Mono M5s: Select printer model, resin type, and adjust print parameters.
  4. Printing Process: Load resin, transfer G-code to printer, and initiate printing.
  5. Drying the Pieces Diagonally: After printing, allow pieces to dry diagonally to minimize resin wastage.
  6. Cleaning with Alcohol: Submerge printed pieces in isopropyl alcohol for cleaning.
  7. Repeat Process for Different Printers and Sizes: Adjust settings and parameters for different printers or sizes.
  8. Post-Curing with UV Light: Expose cleaned pieces to UV light for complete curing.
  9. Removing Supports (if applicable): Carefully remove supports from printed pieces.

Final product

3D Scanning

For this assignment we used Scanning EXScan S, we also had to scan an object. Our university provides the EinScan S from the EinScan S series. In the next slides, I will describe how to use this tool.

Install 3D Scan

Install the EXScan S software on your computer. This software is necessary for controlling the scanner and processing the scanned data.


Calibrate the scanner by following the on-screen instructions in the EXScan S software. Proper calibration ensures accurate scanning results.

New Proyect

Place the object you want to scan on the turntable. Ensure the object is stable and within the scanning area.

Check Parameters

In the EXScan S software, select the appropriate scanning mode (e.g., auto scan or fixed scan).

Check Progress

Start the scanning process and allow the scanner to capture the object from multiple angles.

Post Process

After scanning, use the software to process and clean up the scanned data. This may include merging multiple scans, removing noise, and filling holes in the mesh.

Retry if necessary

Avoid scanning objects that are too reflective or transparent.

Sinc models

Once you completed scaning and retrying you can sinc the samples by clicking the arrow and it will automaticly be saved in your documents as a file.

Other model

Just for this excercise we tried different objects by creating a new layer


Finally just compare the silouettes of the archives you can add or take poligonos to reduce the weight of the file and if you are happy with the results we can continue to save the document

Save Scan

Once satisfied with the scanned model, export the data in the desired format (e.g., STL, OBJ) for further use in 3D modeling or printing applications.

Exporting and Usage

Export Options: Export the scanned model in common 3D file formats such as STL, OBJ, or PLY. Use a consistent naming convention for exported files.

Applications: The scanned model can be imported into 3D printing software, used as a base for 3D modeling, or for analysis in various fields like reverse engineering and quality control.

Tips and Tricks

For complex objects, perform multiple scans from different angles and merge them. Use a matte spray on reflective objects to reduce glare. Familiarize yourself with the scanner and software through practice scans.


If the scan fails or appears distorted, check the calibration and ensure the object is stable. Restart the software and scanner if there are software issues, and make sure the latest version of the software is installed.


Document each step of the scanning process, including settings used, challenges faced, and solutions applied. This will help in refining the

Final Result


Tutorial videos

Reflection Summary

This week, I focused on rendering and 3D scanning. Using SolidWorks, I designed a detailed 3D model of a sphere, and later, I used the EinScan S scanner to digitize physical objects.

The most significant part was learning to create and refine 3D models in SolidWorks, involving steps such as sketching, extruding, cutting surfaces, and applying patterns. Additionally, the scanning process using the EXScan S software highlighted the importance of precise calibration and post-processing for accurate digital representations.

Challenges and Solutions

One of the biggest challenges was achieving the desired precision in both modeling and scanning. In SolidWorks, ensuring smooth and accurate surfaces required multiple iterations and adjustments, especially when accounting for angles and dimensions. Similarly, during the scanning process, calibrating the scanner and dealing with reflective objects posed difficulties. To overcome these, I practiced iterative design adjustments in SolidWorks and used techniques like matte spraying for better scan results.

Future Applications

The skills gained this week are essential for advanced digital design and fabrication. Mastering SolidWorks for 3D modeling allows for creating intricate and precise designs, while proficiency in 3D scanning with EXScan S can be applied in reverse engineering, quality control, and creating digital replicas of physical objects. I look forward to integrating these techniques into more complex projects and continuing to refine my digital design and scanning capabilities.